Friday, October 24, 2014

To be Green. Maybe in the first world, not here. But its neccesary, anyway.

Its cool to be green. It is socially accepted, and the mean too. Unlike the insurgent and critic Geen movement born in the 70, which the seal "anti-sistem" in her blood, the actual Green movement it`s in the favor of the Status Quo in the actual economic system: the Neoliberalism. The -political- environment agenda and the economic agenda aren't two autonomic spheres in the society. Both spheres are united in the reality and you can't think in autonomic spaces of reality.
 For this reason, be "Green" isn´t so simple, its a polisemic concept. Be "green" has many meanings, according to their historic context.
Today, be "Green" can be anything, because don't have a specific ideologies involved. You can find a neonazi organization who cares about the environment, and a punk organization too. Even if both organizations have opposite ideologies. This is because en the actual economic system, all the things are profitable and can be sold and bought in the market of ideas. Without content and meaning. And it´s fine, because all the people can be "Green" and recycle, buy things with the seal "environment friendy", and work in the economic system that allows the climate change, the endless consumism, and a pollution production system. Just see China.
Be Green help the planet, but isn´t sufficient at all. It's like put a bandage to cure the cancer. Don´t solve the problem,  is just a temporary relieves.
For a real change, you need to change all the productive system. And for this task, you need to be more that Green.

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