Friday, October 24, 2014

What experiencie, do you mean exactly?: My experience on the field

Today i will talk about my experience in the field of Sociology. But I have a problem: my experience in this topic is very limited, because I'm just a student and just do it little things in the reality. Long time ago I worked in a consulting company.I don´t remember the name, but my job was simple. I trancribet the answer of a test, and put them in a stadistic program, the SPSS. In others words, I transform the subjetive on something objetive -with big quotes!-. I refer to the numbers.

The biggest problem who I face it was the monotony. The boredom. The transcription is a mecanic task, but you need to be  concentration, because the smallest mistake can a failure of the whole test.
If you have a big concentration, you can listen music while you transcribe. I like it.
However, the job has more bad things.
On the other hand,  I have a lot of test in my home, because the consulting company don´t have the physical test in a digital format. And I need to carry all the test in my bag, in many trips. I have test in my room, my bathroom, my closet, and my bed. They are everywhere!. And the consulting company don´t want to erase it. For this reason, I have the test for one month, just tanking up space in my home.
But all of it was for the money. The pay was averange, but I need it.
In the end, the work was good.

To be Green. Maybe in the first world, not here. But its neccesary, anyway.

Its cool to be green. It is socially accepted, and the mean too. Unlike the insurgent and critic Geen movement born in the 70, which the seal "anti-sistem" in her blood, the actual Green movement it`s in the favor of the Status Quo in the actual economic system: the Neoliberalism. The -political- environment agenda and the economic agenda aren't two autonomic spheres in the society. Both spheres are united in the reality and you can't think in autonomic spaces of reality.
 For this reason, be "Green" isn´t so simple, its a polisemic concept. Be "green" has many meanings, according to their historic context.
Today, be "Green" can be anything, because don't have a specific ideologies involved. You can find a neonazi organization who cares about the environment, and a punk organization too. Even if both organizations have opposite ideologies. This is because en the actual economic system, all the things are profitable and can be sold and bought in the market of ideas. Without content and meaning. And it´s fine, because all the people can be "Green" and recycle, buy things with the seal "environment friendy", and work in the economic system that allows the climate change, the endless consumism, and a pollution production system. Just see China.
Be Green help the planet, but isn´t sufficient at all. It's like put a bandage to cure the cancer. Don´t solve the problem,  is just a temporary relieves.
For a real change, you need to change all the productive system. And for this task, you need to be more that Green.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


In this time I will write about my favorite sport. When I was a little child, my favorite sport was football. My place in the game was to be the keeper. I like to be the keeper because nobody else wanted to be the goalkeeper. Al the litlle boys and girls want to be the star to shine, and that mean to be the striker. But as a goalkeeper I can play in all the matches, and was great!. I became a great goalkeeper, and I joined to the best team in the school. I really enjoy the sport, and it was very fun to me.

But I grow up, and the football lose the fun. The people who composed the team left it. My motivation and spirit decreased in the time, and also my performance. The happinnes was lost. And I feel lost too.

Many years after, I join to the marcial art school  "Neg Gung Do", which mean "Inner energy". The marcial art developed in the school is "Tang Soo Do", born in Corea and with  Japanise and Chinese influence. And I practice the Occidental style, the "Mi Guk Kwan", developed by Charles Ferraro, from North América.
My first teacher was Daniel Medina, a university student of Biotechnology. In this school I know a little and bizarre family, a team in the good and  bad times. Here I know my body, their stregths and weakness. And I know a good people, always ready to give a hand in any matter or topic. Is a good school, and I have luck to know it.
Today, four years later, my teacher are in Spain, working. And my teacher is Gabriel Mancilla, a friend of Daniel. The people who know in the past live in my memory, and today the little team is more bigger ans strong.
It`s a new phase, ready to be something beautiful and unknown.

Friday, October 3, 2014

My dream job?. I don´t think so, but here I am.

I choose study in the university because in my land you need a career to be something, even if you want to be "something" in any area of specialty.
Without a university degree, your salary is insufficient to live with dignity, or in others words, its probably to be a poor people without the social network (and maybe, just maybe by the knowledge and expertise) acquired in the university.
In others countries the situation it's different, but here it's important the school, the friends, your LAST name, where you come from, where you live and the university. Even exist specific places in Chile to develop some of these skills.
And is assume that I will be a Sociologie. What is suppose to be? Nobody knows. Maybe is make analysis of the market, to rank the consume for the development of a product. 
Maybe I'm wrong an it's help people in social risk, working in the government, or maybe doing fieldwork to realize an Investigation for the academy.

I prefer to work in a open space, whit direct contact of the people. If i need to work in a office, i will do, but is not the ideal. Maybe a mixture between both. Anyway, my priority is use the skills learned in the university, and develop.
I don't want a academy career. For this reason i don't think in a future academy degree, but probably the market will force me to get it.  

In the future will see what happens.