Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The cultural shock in my work as a waiter.

The cultural shock it's a break in the agent of the social structure. This structuralism vision of the life comes from United States of América, developed for Talcott Parson, with the influences of Claude Levis Strauss, the father of Anthropological structuralism, even though Parson try to make a synthesis of Marx, Weber and Durkheim, the fathers of the sociologie.
With this concept of "cultural shock" i will try to show an example with my work as a waiter in a chinese restaurant, in Santiago, Chile.
In the restaurant work people of all nationalities. chileans, peruvians, chinese (young and old) and Haitians. Even some people don't speak spanish at all. The old chinese founders don´t understand very well the local language, and most of their communication is with signs. I never complety understand the old grandfather and the old grandmather(the founding couple). Also the old men always is angry. Nobody know why, but we try to live and work with his weirdness. 
The other peoples who speak spanish also have their own argot. And intonation, and syntax. Then, it´s not very easy understand all the communications in the restaurant.
The communication breakdown it´s prevalent in some people.
But differences asides, the communication it´s possible. And the daily coexistence too. All together make a unique community, with good and bad ponit. It´s the live and finally we have a good time.  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Mobile phone video presentation: Number 1

I fell so embarrassing about make the video, sorry for the delay!
I will try to improve the next time.
I don't have a speech or script, but i try to make a good thing (more or less).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


My last holiday was a few years ago, in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
My uncle invited me to his apartament. He live with his couple, an architech, in a big apartment.
I lived here for one or two month -I don't remember with acurracy-, but the important thing was living together. Was a challenge, but not so hard. They have a daily routine and I have other daily routine. Only in a few occasions the routines converges, for a common good. In this occasions, we go to the theater, or we run for the park. I have my routine. I woke up, used the bathroom, clean my body and go out for a run.
I lose weight, and was never so thin anymore.  
But for the most of the time, I travel for Buenos aires, alone. I enjoy it, because i can see the hidden side of the city. And i talk with the people, in different topics. And they answered me, and told me about her life. So much different to Santiango, where the people refuse to talk with strangers.
I go to the museum, and can see the real life in Argentina.
For all of this, in my opinion was the best holiday in my sort life.