Friday, June 22, 2012

My Favorite Animal

Hi, everybody. Today i will talk aobut my favorite animal, in this case learned for the experience.

Before i receive my first dog as a gift i didn't have any favorite animal. In fact, i hate -a little- the dogs because i'm fear of them. I don't know any animals until this day. I´m live a citadine life and the animals are not included in this life. But all changes with my dog called "Canela" fall in my house and full color al the life. 
His cute legs and tail, the weth nose and the eyes that look at you, understanding is a unique sensation. Because she have a small body the humans of the family must to protect her, and we do it happy. 
Besides the dogs can learn new things and express their motivations and feelings. It´s different as a cat -for example- that have other characteristics and are more reserved in their physical expressions.

My favorite characteristic in the dogs is  the loyalty and love to master -or owner-, and their naivety.

1 comment:

  1. Good Cristóbal.

    Say, "I was afraid of dogs"

    Also animals are not "he" or "she". They are "it".

    Say, "its cute legs and tail, wet nose, bright eyes..."

    2 points.

    You can´t say "Must to". Say only "must". So "humans must protect it"
