Friday, June 22, 2012

My Favorite Animal

Hi, everybody. Today i will talk aobut my favorite animal, in this case learned for the experience.

Before i receive my first dog as a gift i didn't have any favorite animal. In fact, i hate -a little- the dogs because i'm fear of them. I don't know any animals until this day. I´m live a citadine life and the animals are not included in this life. But all changes with my dog called "Canela" fall in my house and full color al the life. 
His cute legs and tail, the weth nose and the eyes that look at you, understanding is a unique sensation. Because she have a small body the humans of the family must to protect her, and we do it happy. 
Besides the dogs can learn new things and express their motivations and feelings. It´s different as a cat -for example- that have other characteristics and are more reserved in their physical expressions.

My favorite characteristic in the dogs is  the loyalty and love to master -or owner-, and their naivety.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mexico City or México D.F

I would like to go Mexico City, in the county of Mexico, before i'll be thirty ages because this city is full of culture, mystery and local cultures, with logic and  native meanings. In México the people live so different to Chile, with differents paths for grow up, study and work. For example, if you want study without debt you can, because the education is one way to be something in the life -or ask them the "Narcos", the powerfull drug dealers who lives like a king for ten years and died in the hand of police or others drug dealers. But they accept the consequences in this dangerous way of life-. In Chile, if you don't a professional title you are nothing for the rest of the people and the future is dark.
I would like to go México for the food, the environment and especially for the culture and learn his knowledge. Maybe i will visite the s "La Feria Chapultepec Mágico (Park)" and "Central de Abasto" o to stock up, learn from museums like "National Museum of Anthropology" and the "Templo Mayor" museum.
Maybe,if I keep studying social sciences i'll go for a magister or doctorate in the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Otherwise i'll continue to live in Chile, happy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Keynes, the raise from the dead

Hi everybody, today will talk about John Maynard Keynes. 

Born in England in 1883 and dead in 1946,  was a economist whose ideas profoundly affected the theory and practice of modern macroeconomics, especially from de big depression in 1929, with the black Thursday. In this day the  classic free market theory fall and the hegemony of capitalism fall in darkness. In response, a lot of countries seek alternatives path, encountered the facism, the socialism and the totalitarian regimes.
With the economic collapse, he achieved during the 1950s and 1960s, the success of Keynesian economics resulted in almost all capitalist governments adopting its policy recommendations.
His advice is stimulate the local economy and regulate the free market, controling the economic shock.

His main publications was "The Economic Consequences of the Peace", "A Treatise on Probability", "The Inflation of Currency as a Method of Taxation", but the most  influential work was  "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money", published in 1936.

I like Keynes beacuse is a very interesting author and broke broke with a  economic paradigm.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is  "Castle in the Sky". Is a film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It is the first film created and released by Studio Ghibli. Castle in the Sky is a movie of animation has won the Animage Anime Grand Prix in 1986. It belong to the kind of fantasy and science fiction. Some places are based in the novel of Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels but the creativity of the director did the most part of the history. The film was made in 1986, with a length of 126 minutes.
As any animation movie doesn't have main actors or actresses acting in the movie but have many actors who give life, personality and charisma with her voices.
The movie is about the adventures of Sheeta and Pazu. Panzu, a young boy stumbles with Sheeta in a flying machine, who floats down from the sky. Sheeta was chased by pirates, army and government secret agents. In saving her life, they begin a adventure that goes through all sorts of flying machines, eventually searching for Sheeta's identity in a floating castle of a lost civilization.
I like the movie for the view director vision of a distan future, his innocence and naviety, expresed in the whole movie.